Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Multple choice take home test Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multple choice take home test - Essay Example because they are all Muslims, Asian families are larger than both White or Afro Caribbean families - 75% have 5 or more members - patrilineal and patrilocal. There is little variation between sub communities and women are mostly confined to the home and "homework". basically, deficit theory says that some people are just stupider than others - ie they lack intelligence - and reproduction theory simply builds on this, arguing that schooling has to be organised around such manifest and unalterable differences. deficit theory reveals the fact that lower socio economic groups are systematically disadvantaged with respect to educational resources, and reproduction theory shows how these disadvantages have persisted as a result of policy failure. deficit theory reveals the fact that lower socio economic groups are systematically disadvantaged with respect to educational resources which implies the problem could be fixed by switching resources to areas of need, whereas reproduction theorists, like Murphy, insist it is not a resource, but a motivational problem, and lower socio economic groups are just not interested in more schooling! deficit theory assumes that currently "failing" kids could succeed if only they adopted the requisite - ie middle class - values, skills and motivations etc, whereas Reproduction Theory insists that since schools are set up to "reproduce" class privilege, such kids will always "fail". Goldthorpe shows that the number of "branching points" in educational decision making are critical in the reproduction of class differentials, comprehensive education, favoured by the Swedes, reduces the number of branching points. Educational differentials reflect class differences in cost benefit evaluations of educational options. The example of Sweden is significant because there the reduction of class educational differentials was accompanied by

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